From Zero to $2,000 a Day with Shopify: A Dropshipping Success Strategy


TLDR: The video outlines a step-by-step strategy for launching a successful Shopify store, focusing on selecting the right product, creating a compelling website and ads, and scaling with upgraded marketing efforts.



🔍 A necklace with a message was chosen as the product, solving gift-related problems for different occasions.
📅 The store scaled from zero to over $2,000 a day in less than a week.

Product Discovery

🌟 The selected product must be going viral recently on social media, solve a real problem, and be unique.
📲 TikTok and Amazon are used for product discovery and validation.

Store Setup & Marketing

🗝️ A strong ad includes a compelling hook, detailed body, and irresistible call to action.
💻 The Shopify store’s success relied on product selection, website quality, and ad effectiveness.

Scaling Strategies

⚙️ Scaling involved ad upgrades, adding up-sells like a gift bag, and utilizing email and SMS marketing.

Video Summary

00:00: 💰 The author shares the strategy used to scale a new Shopify store from zero to over $2,000 a day in less than a week. The product sold was a necklace with a message inside, primarily marketed as a gift for mothers around Christmas time. Three essential reasons for the rapid success were picking the right product, creating a great website, and producing a convincing ad. The author emphasizes three characteristics of a successful product: it should be recently going viral on social media, it must provide value and solve a problem, and it should be unique. The supplier used by the author is autod DS, which delivers products quickly and offers branding customization. The author further advises using viral videos and ads, Amazon reviews, and TikTok search bar for product discovery and validation.

Key ideas:

  • The Shopify store scaled from zero to over $2,000 a day in less than a week by selling a special necklace.
  • The strategies for growth included selecting the right product, designing a great website, and making a persuasive ad campaign.
  • Key attributes of a successful product are its recent virality on social media, its ability to solve a problem and provide value, and its uniqueness.
  • A recommended supplier, autod DS, offers quick delivery times, competitive pricing, and customization of branding.
  • A combination of viral videos, Amazon reviews, and TikTok search bar can be used for product discovery and validation.

05:46: 🎯 The text suggests a method to identify trending products and market trends by creating a ‘burner’ Tik Tok account and deliberately interacting with product ads and drop shipping stores. This tricks the Tik Tok algorithm into continuously showing related content. The author also suggests studying the Tik Tok Creator Center, a platform that highlights top-performing ads, to derive inspiration and identify potential products. However, the author emphasizes the fundamental principle of customer psychology by identifying a problem for a specific group of people and offering them a unique and creative solution.

Key ideas:

  • Interacting with ads and dropshipping stores on Tik Tok will lead the algorithm to show more related content and potential product trends.
  • Tik Tok’s Creator Center can be used to study top-performing ads and gain inspiration for products.
  • An important principle in product trend identification is customer psychology – understanding a group’s problems and creating unique solutions.

11:33: 💡 The text discusses product research with the focus on products related to hair and skin problems, specifically a keratin hair mask and an eye tightening cream. Both products have potential given the large market of consumers experiencing these problems. However, the success of these products does not solely lie on the products themselves, but greatly on the marketing angle. A powerful marketing angle can scale a product to sell massively. According to the author, to succeed in Drop Shipping, it’s critical to become a good marketer. The author encourages immersion into the market one wants to sell in. Study hugely successful brands in the respective niche or market, follow influencers, monitor best sellers and trends, and ensure your product provides unique solution to a common problem.
Key ideas:

  • The focus products are a keratin hair mask and an eye tightening cream.
  • Marketing plays a significant role in the success of a product.
  • It’s essential to become a good marketer to succeed in drop shipping.
  • Immersing yourself in the market you want to sell in is beneficial.
  • Understanding trending products, following influencers, and studying best sellers in your chosen niche is crucial.
  • Your product should provide a unique solution to a common problem.

17:44: 💼 Having an in-depth understanding of a specific niche allows a seller to identify trends, understand customer behavior and needs, and effectively communicate to encourage sales. In terms of store categorization, a hybrid store that focuses on products within a broad niche is recommended over a general store. This approach allows for flexibility in product testing while presenting a unified brand. Product pages are considered more important than homepages as they receive the majority of customer traffic. The page layout should be clean and simple while demonstrating product benefit. A good video ad is important in driving successful sales conversion.

Key ideas:

  • Embedding oneself deeply in a specific industry allows for early identification of trends and better understanding of customer behaviors
  • A ‘hybrid store’ focuses on a broad niche, permitting a variety of product tests while maintaining a consistent branding
  • The product page on a store is highly important as this is where most customers land from ads
  • Store layout should be clean, easily understandable, and demonstrate the product’s value proposition
  • A good video ad is crucial to achieve considerable sales conversion

23:50: 💡 The text discusses the importance of creating engaging video advertisements for drop shipping. It highlights the three key components of such ads: a hook, the body, and a call to action. Hooks should grab attention within the first three seconds, and show the solutions to problems that the product solves. The body of the ad should showcase the product benefits and possibly include testimonials. The call to action usually incorporates a deal such as a percentage off or a buy one, get one free offer. Studying and understanding successful ads is essential to becoming a better marketer, it’s suggested to even outperform traditional business education. A practical example is given for an eye cream ad.

Key ideas:

  • Successful video ads have three crucial elements: a hook, the body, and a call to action.
  • The hook needs to grab attention within the first three seconds, effectively explaining the problem the product solves.
  • The body of the ad showcases the product’s benefits, and possibly includes testimonials.
  • The call to action often includes an offer such as a discount or a buy one, get one free deal.
  • Studying successful ads is essential to become a better marketer.
  • An example of a successful ad format has been given for an eye cream product.

29:38: 📲 The text discusses the process of creating engaging advertisements for product sales promotions. The ads follow a format which consists of a hook capturing the audience’s attention, body part reinforcing customer trust by showing before and after results and reviews, and ends with a call to action often coupled with an offer. Different versions of the ad are recommended, particularly varying the hook. These different ads are then to be launched on TikTok Ads and compared for effectiveness. Creating more ads is believed to increase the chances of success. The speaker also mentions the process of setting up a TikTok account, connecting it to a Shopify store, and using a pixel for tracking customer actions on the website. Advice is provided on setting up ad campaigns on TikTok to target specific demographics and the speaker stresses keeping the target audience as broad as possible for better reach.

Key ideas:

  • The ad format discussed includes a hook, body, and a call to action – often combined with an offer.
  • Changing the hook for different versions of an ad is suggested for assessment of effectiveness.
  • Different versions of an ad should be launched on TikTok Ads for comparison.
  • Creating more ads is expected to increase chances of success.
  • A pixel is used for tracking customer actions on a website.
  • Setting up ad campaigns on TikTok involves targeting specific demographics.
  • The speaker advises keeping the target audience as broad as possible for better reach.

35:17: 📈 The text explains how to set up and launch an advertisement on TikTok to promote a product and drive sales for an online store. It demonstrates creating a custom identifying brand, uploading a product video, crafting engaging ad text that doesn’t sound promotional, and providing a link to the product. It further delves into the process of testing the effectiveness of different video ads, suggesting the creation of multiple ad groups with different videos but with the same text. The text also proposes setting up a second CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) campaign that combines all ad videos and allows TikTok’s AI to determine the best ad performance.

Key ideas:

  • Creating a brand identity and using a product video are essential for setting up an ad.
  • Crafting an engaging ad text that doesn’t sound promotional can make the ad seem like a real video, hence more convincing.
  • A link to the product should be provided in the ad.
  • To test ad effectiveness, you can create multiple ad groups with different videos but similar text.
  • A second CBO campaign can be beneficial as it combines all ad videos and utilizes TikTok’s AI to determine the best-performing ad.

40:58: 💡 The text explains the process of setting up and optimizing advertising campaigns on TikTok. Several different ads variants are created and tested to determine which performs best. The author advocates for multiple versions of an ad, suggesting that this increases the success rate of products. The daily spend is about $100 for the initial testing phase. The author also discusses the importance of resilience and patience, noting it may take several iterations and products before success is achieved. They offer access to a private community for additional coaching and support. Once a winning product and ad are established, they suggest refining and upgrading collateral, cross-selling, and remarketing to those who visited but didn’t purchase. They finish by encouraging readers to subscribe and thanking them for watching.

Key ideas:

  • Several different variants of an ad are created to determine top performers.
  • Multiple versions of the same ad can increase the success rate of products.
  • The daily spend for initial testing is approximately $100.
  • Resilience and patience are key, as it may take several attempts to find a successful product.
  • A private community offers additional coaching and support.
  • Once a winning ad is established, it’s important to refine and upgrade, add cross-selling opportunities, and remarket to visitors who didn’t purchase.


What is essential for finding a successful dropshipping product?

Finding a recently viral product on social media that solves a real-world problem and is unique is essential.

What are the three main components of a compelling ad?

The hook, the body, and the call to action are the three main components.

How can one scale their dropshipping business after finding a winning product?

Upgrading ad quality, adding relevant up-sells, and implementing email and SMS marketing strategies are ways to scale.


TLDR: The viewers appreciated the detailed explanations on dropshipping and found them very helpful. They asked in-depth questions for further understanding of the process, discussed experiences with the profitability of products, and expressed some doubts regarding the legitimacy of dropshipping and the risks of copyright issues.
Negative: There was skepticism about the legitimacy of dropshipping, with one commenter describing it as a scam. There were confusions related to promoting the website, sourcing products, the shipping process, as well as potential copyright issues with ad creation.
Positive: Many users appreciated the comprehensive guide on dropshipping provided in the video, with praise for the detailed explanations and the application of the instructor’s own personal experience. Various people also expressed interest in collaboration or becoming part of the business.
Top comments:


I’ve made $5,000 my first month (may not seem ALOT but it’s definitely a lot from something I barely put any physical work I re invested 3k of it back into the business ( for ads) and kept 2k for myself ( to treat myself) my biggest tip is DON’T RUN A STORE FOR A PRODUCT YOU WOULDNT BUY FOR YOURSELF OR FOR SOMEONE!!!!!

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 7


Most helpful drop shopping introduction video i’ve seen out there

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 34


let me come work for you 😁

Posted: 7 days ago
Votes: 3


The most slept on YouTube I swear , thank you for everything

Posted: 7 days ago
Votes: 2


that’s an awesome guideline, bro!

many thanks.🙏🏽

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 2


Your life story is unexpected while hearing your healthy communications. Glad that you are wanting to help others learn what you learned very difficult.
I could not make a product popular, if my sing along song album with free screen photo puzzle products is not getting views . Yet, you are blessed , and as I go by the jug, without access to water and electricity, going by the jug , giving sacred memories to my YouTube channel , without getting results to financially support me….
Yet glad that you do not have to struggle like I do…

Posted: 3 days ago
Votes: 1


Could I ship slides this summer could you make a vid on this pls😊

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 1


But how would you promote your website for people to shop on your website if you don’t have many followers on social and etc? 🤔

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 1


Good day I am a sergeant in the Ukrainian Marine Corps. My name is Max. I want to ask caring people for help. My unit needs cars (jeeps or pickups) in the form of volunteer help. Confirm your identity and the need for private messages. Thanks to caring people. Peace and clear skies to everyone!

Posted: 3 days ago
Votes: 1


uyou’re a freaking beast u explain soooo well
continue like that and thanks from the heart

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 1


Yesterday (10 March) was Mothering Sunday (or their Mother’s Day) in the UK – so this could be done in the USA too. Great vid, Jordan!

Posted: 3 days ago
Votes: 0


I’ve been trying to figure this out because I bought a product off Amazon I know is super cheap to make I’m sure. And everybody at work kept asking what it was and to send them the link. Then it hit me, why don’t I try and sell them these. Plus I do photography/videography so I can make ads.

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 0


If only it’s available in my country 😭

Posted: 7 days ago
Votes: 0


Great video, at what point do you know that a product is not working and that you need to start testing a new one?

Posted: 1 day ago
Votes: 0


Hi Jordan, Im interested in Collaborating with you, how can i reach out to discuss a partnership

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 0


Where are you sourcing this product from?

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 0


Appreciate the video, but you have claimed in many other videos about zen drop being the best, amongst others. Never heard you mention auto DS before so this is a bit confusing

Posted: 1 day ago
Votes: 0


very good content, I’m watching you here from Brazil

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 0


So what happens when someone buys something, how do we get the product? and how does it got to the buyer?

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 0


I call bullshit on dropshipping it’s a scam. These people must get paid to make these ridiculous videos. What they don’t tell you is you need to cover each order before you get paid. Meaning it will cost you a lot of money to make it work. All testimonials are fake.

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 0


why cant i see the ad format? or likes?

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 0


The dropshipping game is a bit weird. I mean, not every “winning” product that’s validated in terms of demand etc. will sell, right? And the only way to REALLY know if a product is a winner is to test? I think the best way to put it is this: everyone should test until finding THEIR own winning product (that won’t be a winner for someone else for whatever reason). Just my 2 cents

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 0


When engaging in dropshipping, the last thing you want is to be hindered by tracking issues. Antidetect Browser Hidemyacc steps in with its array of features designed to shield your online activities from detection and tracking.

Posted: 3 days ago
Votes: 0


Just wondering about the create an ad segment. How can you use other people’s ads or videos as your own ? Isn’t that copyrighted .

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 0


Excellent info, well put together 💯

Posted: 5 days ago
Votes: 0

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