2024 Updated Tutorial for Creating a Shopify Dropshipping Store


TLDR: A comprehensive guide for beginners on creating a successful Shopify dropshipping store, using AliExpress as the primary supplier, and focusing on women’s fashion.


Introduction to Dropshipping

🔑 Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to start an e-commerce business without owning inventory.
🌍 It offers the flexibility to operate anywhere, making it accessible to many.
📚 This guide is tailored for beginners and is updated for 2024.

Product Selection and AliExpress as a Supplier

🛍 Women’s fashion is identified as a profitable niche for dropshippers.
💡 AliExpress is recommended as the main product supplier thanks to its wide range of products and competitive pricing.
🔎 Strategies for selecting winning products include using tools like Ecom Hunt.

Shopify Registration and Costs

💳 Shopify is identified as the primary platform for hosting your dropshipping store, with a special deal for new users.
📆 The costs involved include Shopify registration, essential apps, and initial marketing activities.

Dropshipping Store Types

📦 There are two main types of dropshipping stores: branded and general.
💼 Branded stores focus on a specific niche, like women’s clothing, offering targeted marketing opportunities.
🌐 General stores sell a wide range of products, appealing to a broader audience.

Building the Store on Shopify

🛠 The video provides a step-by-step guide to registering your store on Shopify.
🔧 It covers essential settings like store currency and account confirmation.
📝 New store owners are taught how to pick a plan and set up their Shopify ID.

Choosing a Store Niche

🎯 The importance of choosing a niche aligned with your interests is emphasized.
🕵️‍♂️ Methods to discover promising niches include researching AliExpress and reviewing successful stores.
🚀 Women’s fashion is chosen as the tutorial’s niche focus.

Adding Products and Product Collections

📈 Tips are provided on importing products from AliExpress using tools like dsers.
📊 Winning products and their significance in driving sales are discussed.
🗂 The process of creating product collections for better store organization is outlined.

Designing the Store and Branding

🎨 Branding advice includes choosing a catchy store name and designing a logo.
🌟 Guided steps for choosing a Shopify theme and personalizing the store’s look.
🚪 Tips on launching the store include removing password protection and verifying domain information.

Store Settings and Launch

⚙️ Detailed instructions on setting up shipping preferences and payment options.
🧾 Guidance on creating essential pages like ‘About Us’ and legal policies.
🔒 Discussion on securing the store with SSL certificates.

Order Fulfillment and Tracking

📦 Order fulfillment process is demystified, showing how to use dsers for seamless operations.
🔍 Tracking and managing orders through Shopify and AliExpress interfaces is explained.

Marketing Strategy

📢 The proposed marketing strategy focuses on a blend of organic and paid methods.
🌐 Facebook pages are recommended for building initial organic reach.
💡 The importance of engaging posts and video content in attracting customers is underscored.

Video Summary

00:00: 🛍️ In this tutorial, John demonstrates how to set up a dropshipping store on Shopify for beginners. The process primarily involves listing products from suppliers like AliExpress on your Shopify store, and then making a profit from the price difference when customers buy these products. The setup involves registering a Shopify store which costs $32 per month (with a special offer of $1 per month for the first 3 months), adding necessary apps, and utilizing organic and paid marketing strategies. There are two types of dropshipping stores: branded and general.
Key ideas:

  • Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products online without owning any inventory by buying products from a supplier and having them shipped directly to the customer.
  • The main drop shipping supplier used is AliExpress.
  • Setting up a dropshipping store on Shopify involves registering an account, adding necessary apps, and implementing marketing strategies.
  • The initial cost for setting up a Shopify dropshipping store is $32 per month, with a special offer of $1 per month for the first 3 months.
  • Two main types of dropshipping stores are branded stores, selling related items, and general stores selling across multiple categories.

07:35: 💼 The text is a guide on how to set up a Shopify store with a focus on drop shipping. The instructions cover everything from setting up the store, choosing a niche, and sourcing products from drop shipping supplier AliExpress, to installing the dsers app to automate product import and order fulfillment. Spots in women’s fashion and men’s jackets are illustrated as examples. The advice given emphasizes selling products that one is passionate about and highlights the potential for healthy profit margins through the comparison of consumer and supplier prices.
Key ideas:

  • Shopify supports the drop shipping business model.
  • AliExpress is considered a major drop shipping supplier.
  • Dsers is an app which can automate the process of drop shipping on Shopify.
  • It is suggested to sell products that one is passionate about.
  • Concepts like pricing rules and sale simulations for product pricing are discussed.
  • Healthy profit margins are possible in drop shipping as illustrated with the comparison of consumer and supplier prices.

15:15: 🛍️ The text discusses how to select suppliers and products for a drop shipping store on Shopify. It provides tips on how to search for suppliers offering a good collection of products, shipping options, and pricing strategies. Furthermore, it talks about the use of the AliExpress and the DSers tool, which is a Shopify app for importation and price modifications. Lastly, the text emphasizes the importance of winning products, referring to high-demand and unique items with perceived value to customers that aren’t oversaturated in the market.
Key ideas:

  • The text provides guidance on selecting good suppliers for a drop shipping store, considering factors such as product quality and variety, and shipping methods.
  • The text suggests targeting the ‘big four’ countries (United States, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom) with high purchase power when setting up drop shipping stores.
  • The DSers tool, a Shopify app, is recommended to import products from AliExpress to a Shopify store, adjust the pricing, and manage product details.
  • The text highlights the concept of ‘winning products’—products that are in high demand, unique, and has high perceived value to customers.

22:33: 🛒 The text communicates a step-by-step guide to setting up a dropshipping store. Crucial steps include selecting winning products using the Ecom Hunt tool and adding them to the store. Users can enhance their sales and marketing by analyzing successful ads, understanding best ad targeting options, and using generated videos for promotion. The importance of creating product collections and focusing on the most profitable ones is also emphasized. The store branding and design involve creating a unique name using lean domain search, designing a logo with Canva, and selecting a theme from Shopify’s default ones.
Key ideas:

  • Ecom Hunt tool helps in identifying winning products from AliExpress for a dropshipping store.
  • The tool provides ad copies used by other dropshipping stores and the best ad targeting options for the products.
  • Creating product collections and focusing on profitable items is vital for the success of the store.
  • Lean Domain search helps in generating a unique name for the store, while Canva aids in designing an eyecatching logo.
  • Shopify’s themes can be used to design the online store.

29:52: 💻 This text provides detailed instructions on how to set up an online store using Shopify. The setup process includes designing the page layout, adding a custom logo and header, creating an announcement bar for promotions, and creating a collection of products. It also covers uploading images, editing text, and arranging sections. The text emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the site is mobile-friendly due to high levels of mobile traffic. It guides users on how to add a branded domain to their store, set up email forwarding, and adjust sender email addresses. Lastly, it reveals Shopify’s high conversion rates on mobile platforms.
Key ideas:

  • Shopify is used to set up the online store.
  • Designing the page layout, adding a custom logo, and creating a collection of products are part of the setup process.
  • The site needs to be mobile-friendly due to high levels of mobile traffic.
  • A branded domain is purchased and added to the Shopify store.
  • Email forwarding is set up using the new branded domain.
  • Email sender addresses are adjusted.
  • Shopify has high conversion rates on mobile platforms.

37:41: 💻 The text provides detailed instructions on setting up an online store. It guides on tasks such as email verification, adding a domain and SSL certificate, setting up legal pages like refund policy, privacy policy etc., creating General Pages, configuring website header and footer, setting up shipping settings, activating international sales, setting up payment methods, and customizing the checkout page. The importance of making shipping free worldwide to enhance sales is emphasised, along with ensuring an efficient checkout process to reduce cart abandonment.
Key ideas:

  • The user is guided to set up a professional email, add a domain and an SSL certificate to an online store.
  • Legal pages such as refund policy, privacy policy and terms of service are added using Shopify’s policy templates.
  • General Pages such as ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’ are created and linked in the website footer.
  • The process also involves setting up the website’s header and footer for easy navigation.
  • The text emphasizes offering free worldwide shipping to enhance sales.
  • Setting up varied payment methods and customizing the checkout process is outlined.
  • Activating international sales to increase potential customer base is also discussed.

46:11: 💰 The text discusses adding two apps to enhance a store’s sales. The ‘Currency Converter’ app enables prices to be viewed in a customer’s local currency. The ‘Looks’ app allows the addition of widgets for customer reviews and ratings, boosting customer confidence and thus driving sales further. The text also guides on opening the store for customers by disabling password protection. Moreover, it illustrates creating and fulfilling a test order using the ‘dser’ app. The apps list is available under ‘settings’ on Shopify, from where they can be managed.
Key ideas:

  • The ‘Currency Converter’ app allows customers to see prices in their local currency.
  • The ‘Looks’ app allows the addition of widgets for customer reviews and ratings.
  • Opening the store for customers requires disabling password protection through Shopify.
  • A test order and fulfillment can be executed using the ‘dser’ app.
  • Added apps can be managed through the ‘settings’ option under ‘apps and sales channels’ on Shopify.

54:23: 💰 The ultimate goal of both organic and paid marketing strategies is to generate sales for your Shopify dropshipping store. For the first three months, focus on organic marketing techniques like creating engaging posts on Facebook to build brand awareness. Afterward, start running paid ads to increase brand awareness and engagement. This strategy will ensure the sustainability of your Drop Shipping business. It also helps to avoid page restriction by Facebook as the platform tends to restrict ads on newly created store Pages. It’s important to keep publishing engaging content for growth and sales generation.
Key ideas:

  • Marketing drive for Shopify dropshipping stores should focus on both organic and paid marketing.
  • Organic marketing for the first 3 months aids in building brand awareness without cost.
  • Paid marketing should be initiated from the fourth month to increase brand awareness and engagement.
  • Regularly posting engaging content on Facebook helps to grow the reach of the store and generate sales.
  • Facebook may restrict ads on newly created store pages, hence the phased approach in marketing strategy.
  • The marketing strategy aims to ensure sustainability of the Drop Shipping business.


What is dropshipping and how does it work?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. The seller keeps the profit margin.

Why is Shopify recommended for dropshipping?

Shopify is highly recommended for dropshipping due to its ease of use, wide range of features, seamless integration with apps, and a supportive community. It’s particularly noted for being user-friendly for beginners.

How can one find winning products for their dropshipping store?

Winning products can be identified using tools like Ecom Hunt, which screens through products to find ones with high demand and sales potential. Researching on AliExpress and observing trends in successful dropshipping stores are also effective strategies.

What marketing strategies are suggested for newly launched dropshipping stores?

For new stores, a mix of organic and paid marketing approaches is recommended. Starting with organic growth through engaging content on social media, especially Facebook pages, and gradually incorporating paid ads to scale the business.

How do store owners handle order fulfillment in dropshipping?

Order fulfillment in dropshipping is typically automated with apps like dsers, which allow the store owner to easily purchase products from suppliers like AliExpress and forward them to the customer, without handling the inventory physically.


TLDR: Viewers found the video to be a comprehensive and detailed guide to dropshipping, useful for setting up their own businesses. However, they have various questions relating to using sourcing agents, finding products on aliexpress or amazon, and the costs involved in starting a dropshipping business.
Negative: Some viewers struggled with various operational aspects of dropshipping, such as finding the same products on different platforms, and using certain applications. Others were unable to find their specific countries in the options, and there were complications with price changes and email verification processes.
Positive: Commenters appreciated the tutorial for being a complete and highly informative guide on Shopify and dropshipping. They also expressed gratitude for the positive effects the video’s information has had on their businesses, including increased e-commerce profits.
Top comments:


Thanks, this could be a game changer! It’s really great guide for beginners. I am doing e-commerce from last year, and last few months my profits have skyrocketed to 10k USD per month. Being relentless and hard working (paired with a little bit of winnerzila) is the key to success in my opinion.

Posted: 13 days ago
Votes: 24


We can now start making our website thanks to u great one!!

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 2


This is the most complete and detailed dropshipping video I have come across. Thank you so much.

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 2


what if i wanted to use a sourcing agent? how would import my products then ?

Posted: 10 days ago
Votes: 2


What do I do when I can’t find the same products I find on drop shipping websites on aliexpress or amazon?

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 2


I have watched this video one month ago but have forgot somthings. And from the last 2 days i was searching to find out this video. It’s really amazing and complete tutorial about shopify and dropshipping. Thumbs UP!

Posted: 10 days ago
Votes: 11


Hi dear. just asking if why am I not getting an email verification upon signing-up on shopify? Is it something to worry? I haven’t paid anything yet, just want to practice around at the moment.

Posted: 9 days ago
Votes: 1


Btw, big thanks to your generosity on this video. I have learned a lot from it. 🤗

Posted: 9 days ago
Votes: 1


I am so thankful for how you analyse your videos, almost everything I have learnt about Dropshipping is from you. I will appreciate if there is an way i can contact you directly for mentorsip because I have been able to set up a store but struggling to make sales

Posted: 13 days ago
Votes: 1


❤Спасибо продавать здесь к сожалению я не могу. Тогда буду учить с Вами английский, слушать английскую речь😊

Posted: 7 days ago
Votes: 1


I have so many questions 🫠

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 1


How products can be priced zero. Anyways, Dsers will send you a notification if there is a price change at aliexpress

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 1


In choosing country field, there isn’t Iran. What can I do ?!

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 1


Very good video,with you we can keep hopes and keep going on our entrepreneurship!!Thanks to you Sir!!👑❤️

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 1


how much money would i need to start?

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 1


You are the best
your video make the day so good for me .

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 1


Is there anyone who actually tried building a dropshipping store yet? Does it work?

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 1


Only God knows how to pay you for this incredible information,thank you so much bro i was able to build my store using this video only

Posted: 16 hours ago
Votes: 1


This videos really help me. Now I have my shopify account

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 0


I downloaded Loox ​​application, however, when I want to import a product from AliExpress in Loox, it shows me that I can only import from AliExpress products page and it does not import. what can I do?

Posted: 2 weeks ago
Votes: 0


Nop, You only purchase products when you sell them.

Posted: 6 days ago
Votes: 0


Hello, can someone explain to me please do we have to like post are store for it to sell or how does it work

Posted: 2 hours ago
Votes: 0


You don’t need much, I start my own with $200 and have gotten it back.

Posted: 14 hours ago
Votes: 0


You can, but it’s not practical. It’s better to wait until you get a PC.

Posted: 2 days ago
Votes: 0


Yes, it really works. can we connect?

Posted: 14 hours ago
Votes: 0

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Making $16,000 in the First Month Online through Shopify Dropshipping

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